Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Water power
We've all heard that we should drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. But did you realise that by drinking a glass of water before you eat a meal could decrease your appetite? The result will be that you’ll have a harder time eating too much since your stomach is full of water.
Evening tea
This tip is similar to the first one. Often in the evenings, we’ll start feeling hungry. If you give in to this temptation, that’s where the trouble begins because it’s almost guaranteed that whatever you eat in the evening will be added on as extra bodyweight since you won’t have time to work off the calories consumed. So the solution to warding off hunger in the evening is to drink a cup of your favorite tea in the evening to maintain a full feeling.
Deny yourself
It’s proven that if you get a hankering for say pizza or ice cream or anything else that’s calorie loaded and outside your meal times … one of the best moves you can make is to give yourself 15 minutes to deny those hunger signals. Often before 15 minutes are up, you’ll be surprised how those “irresistible cravings” disappear.
Eat more often
By eating five to six small to medium sized meals per day, you will prime your metabolism to burn calories faster than you would if you eat three meals a day.
Early big meals
Many people eat their biggest meal in the evening. As such, your body has limited time to make use of the tremendous calorie dump from that large evening meal. You simply won’t do enough physical activity in the evening as our body’s biorhythm usually slows down. Those excess calories will turn into fat.
Always exercise
It’s important to engage in some form of strength training and cardio based exercise. Strength training builds lean muscle, which burns calories at a faster rate. And cardio helps to quickly burn excess calories.
Include cheat meals
Ideally you want to follow this strategy after you’ve strictly followed a diet for some time. Once you think you’re ready, you can choose to give yourself one or two cheat meals during the week. This will liven up your meal times and it’ll be a special reward for the hard work you’re doing. Plus it’ll help prevent the temptation of just quitting altogether due to boredom or social get together.
Keep trying
It’s important to realise that you’re only human and you will make mistakes with your weight loss program. But because you make mistakes is no excuse to outright quit.
Don’t exclusively strength train
If you’re a woman interested in having a nice feminine shape, then be careful about strength training. Too much of it, will just build up muscle under your existing fat. Some women tend to pack on muscle more readily than others. And after weeks at the gym and intense dieting they may actually look bigger.
Reward yourself
give yourself a treat for each pound and stone you lose. New clothes make a great incentive when you’re slimming
Never bring up talk on salary at the beginning of the interview. Only talk about salary or your employment package, i.e. remuneration, benefits, etc. when the interviewer asks you or the matter has not been brought up and the interview is near its end.Money Talk
Failing to Ask Questions
Ask questions to show that you are interested in the job, lack of enthusiasm is a killer of your chances of employment.Lying or Concealing Information
Never attempt to lie or cover up any vital information, no matter how important you thought it was for you to conceal the information.Criticising or Slating Your Previous Employers/Company/Colleagues or Complaining About Your Day
No one likes a person who complains, keep in mind that it is not a recommended icebreaker. You are being interviewed to promote yourself as the best possible candidate for the post, not to criticise others or complain about the train/car that broke down on your way to the interview.Body Language
Avoid weak or too strong handshakes, minimal or almost no eye contact with the interviewer and slouching when seated. Keep a straight back when seated and refrain from fidgeting or shaking your legs, twitching your nose, biting your nails or other signs that showed your nervousness. Take a deep breath to remain calm and be aware of your body language. Your body language tells your interviewers more about you than your speech.Inappropriate Dressing
Avoid revealing clothes or being underdressed - stick to conventional dressing, i.e. mono colours and minimal accessories.Talking Too Much
It is not wise to talk too much and fail to listen and understand the questions asked. Listen carefully to answer the questions asked, be clear and concise in your answers to show that you understood the question and are not just rambling for the sake of talking. Be specific and respond directly to the questions asked. Be careful with your selection of words and think before you say anything to decide if what you are going to say is necessary or appropriate.Lack of Confidence/Over Confidence
Lack of confidence could be perceived by potential employers as your lack of preparation; being nervous could also be giving the impression that you are trying to cover something or is lying. Being over confident may turn interviewers off as you may be viewed as being too big-headed or you may be viewed as a braggart who talks more than you deliver.Lack of Preparation
Preparation for an interview includes:- Research on the background of the company
- Bring along an extra copy of your resumé and relevant supporting documents, just in case
- Be prepared with the answers for possible common interview questions
- Rehearse on your speech, clarity, confidence, etc. prior to the interview
In the event that you are required to attend an interview at short notice and you applied for a job with no company description stated in the ad, keep your cool and ask questions during the interview to know more about the company.
- Realize how rich you areOften we think that we need more and more money. This, probably, is one of the main reasons that makes us difficult to be grateful. But do you realize how rich you are now? Just go to Global Rich List, enter your annual income, and see the result. Chance is, you are richer than billions of other people. In fact, you most likely sit in the top tier of the world’s richness ranking.
- Realize what a healthy and prosperous life you haveLife expectancy in most of the human history is only 20-35 years. And most of those years were spent in diseases, poverty, and misery. Only in the last century had human life expectancy increased significantly to the current average of 67 years.
Not only that, your standard of living today is much, much higher than almost all people in the history of the world. For example, even kings in the past could not match your convenience in traveling today!
It is estimated that there are 106 billions people who have ever been born on earth, with 6 billions are living today. Combined with your answer in point 1, I would say that you are healthier and more prosperous than 99% other people in the human history! You are in the top 1% of the healthiest and most prosperous people ever born. - Realize what a blessing it is to live in peaceNo matter how rich and healthy you are, life will be full of fear and misery in the time of war. Can you imagine being in the midst of a city bombarded with bombs? Can you imagine being on the spot in Rwandan holocaust? It’s a nightmare. Living in peace is a great blessing which by itself deserves your sincerest gratitude.
- Open your eyes to see the good things in your lifeWe tend to see the bad things that happen in our life but overlook the good things. What a pity. Open your eyes and be observant of those good things. Even small things matter. If someone calls you a friend, that’s something you should be grateful for. If a child smiles to you, that should remind you that hope is always here in this world.
- Maintain a “good things” journalTake one step further and write the good things that happen in your life in a journal, especially those which impress you. When life looks dark and it’s difficult for you to be grateful, open and read your journal. You will soon realize the wonderful life you have and you will get new strength to overcome your problems.
- Understand that there are positive things behind all the bad things that happenThis might be difficult for some people, but I firmly believe it. At the very least, bad things give you valuable lessons you should be grateful for. When you have this mindset, it’s not difficult to see the good things you could get out of something bad. This way you will always have reasons to be grateful.
- Have a special session of gratitudeUnderstanding that you should be grateful won’t help much if you don’t put it into practice. Allocate special time for your “session of gratitude” even if it’s only 5-10 minutes a day. Think about the good things that happen in your days and express your gratitude.
- Meet positive peopleYou will be like the people you gather with. It’s hard for you to be grateful if the people you meet all the days are negative people. Surround yourself with positive people who themselves are grateful people, and it will be much easier and natural for you to be a grateful person.
- Focus on givingYou will be grateful if your mind focuses on what you have rather than what you don’t have. Bygiving, your mind will focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have (you can’t give something you don’t have, can you?). Most people focus on receiving which makes their mind focus on what they don’t have. No wonder it’s difficult for them to be grateful.
- Decide to be a grateful personThe above nine tips can help you become a grateful person, but eventually it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to be one. If you decide to be a grateful person, then be it. The same thing happens otherwise. No matter what happens to you, it is still you who decide how you will respond. So make the decision to be a grateful person.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Kita terlalu banyak memikirkan apa yang berada di luar kita. Ramai orang menginginkan orang lain berubah. Malah, kadang-kadang kita berkeinginan tetapi tidak kesampaian. Kita mahu negara kita berubah. Kita mahu orang berubah, kita bercita-cita mahu ubah pekerja kita tetapi malangnya anak isteri kita tidak mampu diubah.Kenapa kita tidak mampu mengubah orang lain? Antara sebabnya kita tidak pernah memberi masa bersungguh-sungguh untuk mengubah diri sendiri.Rahsia mengubah orang ialah dengan mengubah dirisendiri. Betapa besar pun hasrat untuk mengubah orang lain sekiranya tidak dimulakan dengan diri sendiri ia akan menjadi hampa.
Ramai orang berani melihat kekurangan orang tetapi jarang orang berani membincangkan kelemahan dirisendiri. bagaimana kaedah mengubah
I. Mulalah dengan mengubah diri sendiri. Bagaimana mungkin kita mengajak orang berubah sedangkan kita tidak berubah.
II. Mulakan dengan melakukan perkara yang kecil.Perkara yang kecil-kecil jika dilazimi akan membantu dan memudahkan untuk melakukan yang besar-besar.Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit.
III. Belajar menghukum diri sendiri. Kalangan sahabat pernah menghukum diri dengan berpuasa kerana mengumpat.
IV. Mulakan sekarang dan Jangan bertangguh lagi. Semakin bertangguh semakin melarat.Masalah yang kecil-kecil akan jadi besar jika dibiarkan.
1) Golongan yang tidak bersolat dan tidak tahu bersolat serta menafikan kewajipan bersolat. Golongan ini dianggap KAFIR.
2) Golongan ini melakukan solat secara zahir.bacaan tidak betul. Golongan ini juga sekejap bersolat dan sekejap tidak. Mereka menunaikan solat mengikut mood. Golongan ini dianggap FASIK
3) Golongan ini menunaikan cukup 5 waktu solat,bacaan yang betul tetapi tidak menghayati solat yang dilaksanakan. Jika mereka ingat urusan dunai,serta merta mereka lupa kewajipan mereka dan tidak menghayati solat. Golongan ini dianggap sebagai solat “Awamul muslimin”.
4) Golngan ini khusyuk dalam solat tetapi kadang2 lalai. Jika mereka mengingati sesuatu ketika solat mereka akan terbawa2 hingga mereka tidak khusyuk bersolat dan jika mereka tiba2 ingat ALLAH mereka akan insaf dan cuba untuk menghayati bacaan itu semula.
5) Golongan ini sempurna solatnya. Bacaan serta tajwid yang betul serta faham makna setiap bacaan. Mereka juga tidak mencampurkan urusan dunia ketika bersolat. Golongan ini dianggap sebagai golongan orang2 yang SOLEH.
Kesimpulannya, sebagai khalifah Allah kita wajib menunaikan segala suruhannya dan menjauhkan diri kita daripada perkara2 mungkar. Sebagai manusia kita tidak pernah terlepas daripada membuat dosa, so,apabila kita sedar yang kita telah membuat dosa kita haruslah segera memohon keampunan daripada Allah SWT.
Private computer network that used internet protocol technology to securely share any organization’s information within organization or network that based on TCP/IP protocol that belong to the organization and accessible only by organization’s members, employees.
Main purposes of intranet are to share company information and compute resources among the employees and employers and it can be used to facilitate and working group teleconferences.
- An intranet is a restricted network that only allows specific computers, such as those within a business or other organization, to access the web pages contained within it. A single gateway server filters requests from all of the connected computers to access web pages housed on the intranet or web pages outside on the wider Internet.
- The primary benefit of an intranet is that it allows the employees of a business to instantly access materials that would normally have to be printed out hundreds of times such as training materials, policy manuals or human resources updates. It can also be used as a means for employees to communicate with the company's upper management so that there is a free exchange of ideas and comments.
- Mainframe computer are powerful computers used mainly by large organizations for critical applications, typically bulk data processing such as census, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning, and financial transaction processing.
- Mainframe is an industry term for large computer. It is totally different with others computer that we have. Usually mainframe computer is used to run commercial application such for banking purpose or for insurance business.
- The classification of mainframe are: has 1-16 CPU's (modern machines more),has memory from 128Mb-8Gigabyte on RAM,process power range from 80 until 550 Mips.
nie best frenz eyka...
dari skola rendah sampai sekarang kteowg still lagi contact...
sayang sgt kt u oll...
nie ekin...(sebelah tuh confirm2 la chenta ati dy)..
dari kiri:ejat,mdnoh,shahril,ajad,azni@jono,ejil,fadli@payot,sir zainuddin (che'gu sejarah aq..),ecah,farhana,olie,eyka,shieda and roza.....
*yg xde 2 jgn kecik ati ek...hehehehe
dari skola rendah sampai sekarang kteowg still lagi contact...
sayang sgt kt u oll...
nie ekin...(sebelah tuh confirm2 la chenta ati dy)..
cik olie dan cik eyka
cik eyka,cik oshin,cik olie & cik roza
cik zaza,cik oshin.cik eyka & cik olie
muvee time!!!!
dari kiri:ejat,mdnoh,shahril,ajad,azni@jono,ejil,fadli@payot,sir zainuddin (che'gu sejarah aq..),ecah,farhana,olie,eyka,shieda and roza.....
*yg xde 2 jgn kecik ati ek...hehehehe
Xsangka da besar da anak mak..(hahahaha eyka la tuh..)
mak2..besar yg camner tuh??maybe mak eyka nak ckp.."da makin membesar bdn anak aku nih.." hahahaha xdapat dinafikan yg eyka semakin membolatkn diri..
kejap je masa berlalukn...
dolu2 tido kalau xbwh ketiak mak xsah....lebiu la mak..
sekarang da besar malu la plak nak tido bwh ketiak...hihihihih
nie gambar family ade 2 owg abg yg tertinggal...(xske gambo katenye..)hehehehe....
nie dy & sy..nm dy Mr.Momot dan sy Ms.Momey..(hahahahah pasan la plak...) mesti bebulu je dy bila baca nih kn..hahahaha sory yer my Lovely 'Fwen'....sesungguhnye sy lagi comey dari anda..yelah kalau lelaki comey.tak ke pelik tuh..(mesti ada something goes wrong somewhere nih) the conclusion is kte dua-dua COMOT!!!!
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